Allison Kaye VA

Allison Kaye VA

Are you a business owner, self-employed or an entrepreneur and time short, struggling to manage those day to day tasks? Do you need an extra pair of hands and mind to take on assisting you running your business?

A Virtual Assistant is the ideal solution.

As an EA, working remotely for over seven years now, I have offered many business owners the opportunity for them to step away from the growing day to day admin and secretarial tasks and focus and concentrate on the more important role of running their business. My clients are more successful because they use their time effectively to do what they want to do.

A PA for all of my working career from assisting hospital management to a senior PA role in a major London accountancy firm. Working remotely has evolved into a fast growing market and become acceptable practice for all business. With a budget to suit you, and the exponential growth of technology available to support remote based assistance, as an executive assistant I can offer you the help you require.


Services Overview



Hire me to transform your business by freeing up time in your day.


Social Media

Creating exceptional content and developing your brand to increase traction.


Give your business the time it needs


 Your day just got easier!
